Our facebook pages show a well-documented love of "The Mouse" and all that our BFF has to offer. We have spent many vacations driving the beloved I4 route between our home and his. This spring however, we vowed to avoid all theme parks. We vowed to spend our days relaxing in our own city! We succeed and had the BEST time!
Our first stop was The Grand Prix, with some complimentary tickets! We wore our headphones, sunscreen and hats and had the best time together.
(Sadly #3 couldn't join us...too loud for him!)
We had never been to the St. Pete Grand Prix, but we loved every minute of it. The cars were fast and loud. The crowd was subdued...we went the day before the "big race". There was a lot to see including our fantastic city!
Our complimentary tickets had a great view of the straight-away!
Sunday was spent at church.
The kids enjoyed Sunday school and we enjoyed the sermon.
Monday we spent at the beach. We were lucky enough to run into three other families at the beach. It was nice to catch up with friends. It was also nice to see nine kids play together spontaneously!
Making memories...
Tuesday we spent loading up our bikes and heading to Lake Seminole Park. They have a two mile trail in the back of the park perfect for a novice bicyclist. Or a toddler who is still not too fond of being in a bicycle seat!
We stayed for a picnic lunch and played in the park!
Wednesday was spent doing necessary spring cleaning.
We had to do it.
And we didn't enjoy it.
Thursday we spent at the beach again. Ran into some great friends again!
Trying out a skin board...
Using a kick board as skin board
Lots and lots of digging
Afterwards, #1 spent some time reading to #3. I love that they all want to play together and share together...What great boys we have!
Once naps were finished we took off for a movie. The boys decided they really wanted to see The Lorax. I'm so glad we took the time to see it.
For some time now, I've enjoyed the following quote:
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi
Now, I'd like to add a second quote to that:
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's
not." Dr. Seuss~The Lorax
Finally Friday! Today we took a trip to The Pier. I should rewind just a smidge. On Tuesday I checked out a bicycle rental place at Lake Seminole Park. A Surrey sufficient for my family of five rents for $20. That would have saved a LOT of grief vs. loading up our ridiculously huge bikes with toddler seats! It gave me the idea for today's adventure!
At The Pier we rented a surrey for our family. The boys were so excited. Well, mostly excited. #1 wanted to pedal but is not quite tall enough. #2 was nervous because each time we hit a bump he bumped his arm. #3 giggled and waved at everyone we passed.
After the surrey adventure, we stopped in at Jonny Reno's for something to eat. We were able to enjoy outdoor seating without the worry about smelling cigarette smoke. Without knowing it, we went on the same night as the celebration for the start of soccer season. The entire Rowdies team was there along with their season ticket holders. Live music played and the kids danced and danced!
Daddy and two boys...
Mommy is getting spoiled with kisses...
Dancing machines
More dancing...
I think 6 out of 7 is pretty awesome for a stay-cation! I hope you enjoyed spring break as much as we did! Our batteries are charged to make it through the end of the school year!
Much love to all!